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Ngā Hapū Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Monte Vista Ngāti Tūwharetoa Residential Home and Care Facility was born from “Te Pū Manawa o ngā hapū – The Beating Hearts of Hapū. It was an act of collective hapū exercising their collective show of Manaaki Tāngata for a kaupapa that was based in aroha.

As such, this kaupapa was not primarily driven as a financial investment. It was a conscious social decision by hapū to address the wellbeing of our pakeke (elderly).

After much discussion, the hapū directed that Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa follow a process of due diligence and make every effort to purchase the facility, as a Whare Oranga Tangata. 2018 Monte Vista was purchased by Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

The collective body of 26 hapū are the sole shareholders of Monte Vista Ngāti Tūwharetoa Residential Home and Care Facility.

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Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Collective body of 26 hapū)

Te Kotahitanga is the mandated post-settlement representative of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. In establishing Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa seek to restore the relationships between whanau, hapū and iwi and recognise the importance of hapū – based decision making. Monte Vista is the first flagship company for hapū of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Te Whare Hononga (Limited Liability Partnership)

Te Whare Hononga – The House of Connections, The House of Relationships. Te Whare Hononga Limited Partnership symbolises the inherent connection between Te Haeata Ltd and Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

As one was created from the other, like mother and child, one supports the other feeding and nourishing it so that it may grow to stand on its own and be successful.

Te Whare Hononga represents this connection and timeless relationship, much like the whakapapa that connects all hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Te Whare Hononga Limited Liability Partnership is established with a ‘Limited Partner’, TKNT Custodian Trustees Ltd and a ‘General Partner’, Te Haeata Ltd.

TKNT Custodian Trustees (Limited Partner) Owner of Fixed Assets on behalf of TKNT

The ‘Limited Partner’ is Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa ‘27th Trustee’. TKNT Custodian Trustees Limited holds the property and other fixed assets of Monte Vista on behalf of Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

The Directors of TKNT Custodian Trustees Limited are:

  • Matt Andrews (Ngāti Wairangi)
  • Te Moananui Rameka (Ngāti Hinerau)
  • Danny Loughlin (Ngāti Ruingarangi)

Te Haeata (General Partner) Governance and Operations

Te Haeata literally translates as “The Morning Dawn – The Ray of Light” Uttered by Iwikai the morning after the gathered Rangatira held their hui at Pukawa to elect a Maori King – Potatau Te Wherowhero – he looked across the lake and saw the first red streaks of new dawn striking against the slopes of Tauhara:

“Ra Te Haeata whero takina i te ripa te tara ki Tauhara”
“See the red dawn striking against the slopes of Tauhara”

The tikanga being that their installation of a new King beckoned a new dawn for our people.

Today, Te Haeata represents the dawn of a new era focusing on the appropriate pathways to ensure the health and wellbeing of our pakeke (elderly) and kaimahi (staff). That we operate in a manner that is consistent with our tikanga; best environment practice in all things associated with Te Haeata from the Governance through to the operations. Te Haeata is inclusive to all pakeke (elderly), that we care for, and nurture them in a safe, caring and happy environment.

The name Te Haeata also represents the physical location of Monte Vista. Monte Vista sits in the shadow of Tauhara, as the first rays of the rising sun of each morning, shines its light and warmth upon the rohe of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

The Directors of Te Haeata Limited are:

  • Gayle Leaf (Te Kapa o Te Rangiita)
  • Dominic Otimi (Ngāti Hinemihi)

Monte Vista Ngāti Tūwharetoa Residential Home and Care Facility

Monte Vista Ngāti Tūwharetoa Residential Home and Care Facility is the business, it is responsible for the land, the buildings, amenities, activities, facility, kaimahi (staff) and most importantly the pakeke (elderly).

It is the role of the Te Haeata Directors to ensure the following…

All governance, management and operational decisions are aligned and consistent with:

  • Ngā Pou e Toru – Ngā Pou e Toru mirrors the pepeha of Ngāti Tūwharetoa
  • Nga Tikanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa – this is driven by the Tikanga of Ngāti Tūwharetoa, which must be reflected in all activities of the business.
  • Mana a Iwi – that the tikanga of Monte Vista acknowledges the Iwi of our pakeke (elderly) wherever – whenever it is appropriate to do so.
  • Mana a Hapū – that the tikanga of Monte Vista acknowledge the hapū of our pakeke (elderly) wherever – whenever it is appropriate to do so.
  • Manaaki Tangata – to ensure that our pakeke and kaimahi are safe, well cared for and contented.
  • Manaaki Whenua – the use of the land, water, buildings and amenities will be consistent with the tikanga within Te Kotahitanga of Ngāti Tūwharetoa kaupapa.


“I liked the smiles and happy people I saw on my initial visits to Monte Vista Residential Care. I could see by the positive feedback from people who were already staying here and loving it that this was a place that people were happy to live in. Monte Vista has good food, a caring staff and an attractive garden. It is warm and friendly and gives peace of mind to the family who can take a break from worrying about me. I feel safe at night and don’t have to worry about falling, cooking, my health or bills.”


“I enjoy the fact that independence is encouraged. This means I can come and go as I please. I enjoy the staff, the meals and the extras that they do for us. I was pleased to be asked to be the Māori Advocate for Monte Vista and it’s good to see that the staff are learning about all cultures.”


“I was in hospital and was unable to cope at home, so my daughter and I decided I would come to Monte Vista. I wouldn’t go to any other place in Taupō!! I get on so well with all the staff, they are marvellous. We have lots of fun and laughter. I feel so secure here, and warm and happy. I think I have the best room at Monte Vista because of the view of the mountains and lake. My family visit often and they are happy that I feel so settled. I enjoy the entertainment, especially the line dancers and the lady who comes to play the piano accordion. Every Monday the Piano Ladies come and we all do lots of singing. Kath and I always sing the Monte Vista theme song, which is ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary"


“What I like most about Monte Vista Residential Care is the scenery. I have people to talk to so I am not left on my own feeling lonely. I also enjoy the peace and quiet. Monte Vista has a friendly and listening staff and a good standard of care. I recommend living here because of the atmosphere. I liked the positive feedback from all the people who were already staying here and loving it.”